1. Publication of the fundamental academic edition "Istoriia russkoi literatury: V 10 t." ["A History of Russian literature in Ten Vols."] (Moscow and Leningrad: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1941—1956) has begun in the History of Russian Literature DSE. The following volumes, totalling approximately 1,400 pages, have already been published: "Tom pervyi: Literatura XI — nachala XIII veka" ["Vol. 1: Literature of the 11th to early 13th Centuries"], "Tom vtoroi. Chast' 1: Literatura 1220-kh — 1580-kh gg." ["Vol. 2, Part 1: Literature from the 1220s to 1580s"], and "Tom vtoroi. Chast' 2: Literatura 1590-kh — 1690-kh gg." ["Vol. 2, Part 2: Literature from the 1590s to 1690s"].
2. "Tom vtoroi: 1917—1920" ["Vol. 2: 1917—1920"] (Moscow: IMLI RAN, 2005) of "Letopis' zhizni i tvorchestva Esenina v 5 tomakh" ["A Chronicle of the Life and Work of Yesenin, in Five Volumes"], with approximately 800 pages and 350 illustrations, has been published in the Yesenin DSE.
3. "Slovar' literaturnykh tipov. Tipy Pushkina" ["A Dictionary of Literary Types: The Types of Pushkin"] (St. Petersburg: Izd-vo "Slo. lit. tipov", 1912), with more than 250 pages, has been published in the Pushkin DSE.
4. "Literaturnye tipy Lermontova" ["The Literary Types of Lermontov"] (St. Petersburg: Knigoizd-vo "Vskhody", [1908]), with around 120 pages, has been published in the Lermontov DSE.
(Please note: These items are currently available only at the Russian-language version of FEB-web.)
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