Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 10:25:07 -0400
Reply-To: Slavic & East European Languages and Literature list <SEELANGS@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU>
Sender: Slavic and Eastern European Languages
From: David Powelstock
Subject: Re: electronic Pushkin corpora

I am reposting the following, both in answer to this specific query and as a reminder in general of this superb web resource. (You will find the full, searchable text of the most important 20th-c. scholarly editions of Pushkin, as well as texts of vital secondary works.):

Dear SEELANGERs, I want to draw your attention to the most remarkable web resource for the study of Russian literature I have ever seen, "Fundamental'naia elektronnaia biblioteka russkoi literatury i fol'klora" (http://feb-web.ru/index.htm). It is a growing, fully searchable database that includes both primary texts and the best secondary sources for each author/subject. Only a few author databases are working at this point, including those for Pushkin, Lermontov, Griboedov, Boratynskii, Batiushkov, Esenin--but they are adding stuff all the time. I've been working with the Lermontov database, and it is hard to exaggerate how wonderful a tool this is. A few highlights:

  • the database includes several of the most important editions of Lermontov's works, as well as a sizable collection of the most important Lermontov scholarship--some of these volumes are quite hard to find in "hard copy"

  • all of the texts are given with the original pagination (for purposes of citations) and include all footnotes in hypertext format

  • the databases are fully searchable with the powerful Yandex search engine, including all Boolean operators plus some other wonderful search syntax

  • there are placeholders for planned authors & texts, so you can see what's ahead for the site

  • the site's authors maintain a guest book, which they actively monitor, posting thoughtful responses to requests and comments

It's really phenomenal. If Russian literature is your field, you simply must check it out.

Проф. Дэвид Пауэлсток (David Powelstock)

Источник: Prof. David Powelstock. Сообщение о ФЭБ в SEELANGS - открытом международном почтовом форуме специалистов в области русского и других славянских и восточноевропейских языков и литератур. 12.07.2003.