The index contains works of authors present in the FEB-web. The index doesn't include auxiliary works: prefaces, indexes etc. The whole list of authors and their works can be obtained via search.
The works are listed in alphabetic order. Sorting ignores all characters except letters, digits and spaces (quotes, dots, hyphens etc.); titles beginning with non-letters or digits are listed in the end. If a work has several titles, all of them are included in the index.
Biograficheskie fil’my o Pushkine
Pis’mo Pushkinu A. S., 24 iiunia 1831 g. Boldino
Portret Pushkina, risovannyi K. N. Batiushkovym
“Gore ot uma” v Khudozhestvennom teatre
Malyi teatr (Iubileinyi spektakl’ 4 ianvaria)
Sekretnoe donesenie Geversa o Pushkine
Massovye izdaniia sochinenii Pushkina
Kommentarii i varianty: Lermontov. PSS. T. 1: Stikhotvoreniia, 1828—1835
Kommentarii i varianty: Lermontov. PSS. T. 3: Poemy i povesti v stikhakh
Kommentarii i varianty: Lermontov. PSS. T. 4: Dramy i tragedii
Kommentarii i varianty: Lermontov. PSS. T. 5: Proza i pis’ma
Lermontov: Opyt istoriko-literaturnoi otsenki
Primechaniia: Lermontov. Sobranie sochinenii. T. 4
Primechaniia: Lermontov. Soch. T. 6: Proza, pis’ma
Roman M. Iu. Lermontova “Geroi nashego vremeni”
Varianty i kommentarii: Lermontov. PSS. T. 2: Stikhotvoreniia, 1836—1841
Pis’mo Shevyrevu S. P., 29 aprelia 1830 g. Moskva
Pis’mo Shevyrevu S. P., 29 aprelia 1830 g. Moskva
K istorii stikhotvoreniia “Ne pleniaisia brannoi slavoi”
Ob odnoi pushkinskoi epigramme
Pis’mo A. S. Griboedova k K. V. Nessel’rodu
Iz “Vypiski iz bumag diadi Aleksandra”
Pis’mo Frolovu S. S., 4 aprelia 1817 g. Tsarskoe Selo
O nelegal’noi broshiure saratovskoi sotsial-demokraticheskoi gruppy “Neskol’ko slov o Pushkine”
Gosudarstvennyi muzei A. S. Pushkina (Moskva) v 1966 g.
Novyi pamiatnik A. S. Pushkinu v Moskve